ShareRing Company Updates Starring Elvin, Alan, and Jonathan Transcripts

April 13, 2023

In this ShareRing Company Updates transcript, catch up on all the news from the Marketing, Tech and Sales departments. Featuring Elvin, Alan and Jonathan.

Marketing Update

Hello this is Elvin, the marketing director from ShareRing. This would be my first marketing update, and I would try my best to keep this within five minutes because I do have a lot of exciting stuff to cover in this presentation. Let’s get started!

First of all, I would love to thank the community for all the feedback on the questions and the support for us. We have been extremely busy but your feedback and your questions were not unheard.

I will try my best to get myself or my team to answer the questions and feedback, we appreciate them and please continue to support us and give feedback to us.

Let’s talk about the recent partnership with Viator. This is a very important milestone because this would be the first time we would get activities on the platform.

It’s something that people can just go into app, sign up to ShareRing ID, put in the payment, whether it is credit card, fiat or crypto. Then they can book a trip from the app.

The good stuff about the partnership is we have all the elements ready, so it’s more like a plug and play solution where we connect with the API and people can book their trips right off the bat.

A quick update on the Chinese side of things, we have onboard a Chinese social media manager and we have been putting pushing out articles, we have been pushing out the communities.

We’ve been working very hard with Chinese people to build the communities, to build the influencer network and to get the publishers on board as well. If you know to read Chinese, I’d love your feedback and support to the Chinese communites.

We also have a new website coming up. The new website is something that I’m very, very excited about because there’s a section in the website that will talk about each partnership in-depth, for example the BYD partnership, the BSN partnership or even the eVisa partnerships.

We would talk about each partnership in depth. So any new investors or people who want to know more about collaborations and integrations with each partner will be able to know it from reading the website.

That’s something that we are trying to launch after we have all the announcements pushed out this month or next month.

Part of the strategies we have on the website is also by providing the use cases. We will have animations and videos to tell people what kind of stuff they can do with ShareRing ID, what kind of integrations we are doing with it.

We also have a new explorer coming soon, we have finished a prototype on getting the type of transactions, customers transactions, the fees and the staking API as well. This is something that I’m excited to share and I believe Alan next week can also talk more about the explorer.

So what to expect this month? We are going to have a Japanese and multinational partnerships PR coming out, as mentioned by Tim. We’ve also got to have Tier 1 exchanges coming out this month as well.

We will also have a new website and exporer hopefully next month, by November. We are also going to wrap up the bounty and contests this month as well. Last but not least, we are also going to have a multi-billion dollar company PR coming out after we have the exchanges in place.

This partnership is something that I’m particularly very excited about because it’s one of the very well known companies that you guys may know well.

What’s upcoming is Alan is going to share about the product updates next week. Here are some teasers of the new design of the app, I’m personally very, very excited to see the app running and the designs are fabulous.

I will leave it to Alan to talk about the app and the products next week. Thanks for your time and feel free to drop off any comments or questions for me. I’m happy to answer them anytime. Thanks so much guys!

Watch the full video from Marketing Director, Elvin Cheung.

Technical Update

Hello and welcome to the latest ShareRing weekly update. My name is Alan, I run the technology team here at ShareRing and today I’ll share what my team are currently focused on and the status of our tech deliveries.

What you see in front of you now is the front screen of the latest ShareRing app. If you’ve been following the ShareRing journey closely, you may have seen an earlier version of our app that was censored on our travel ecosystem.

Well, in response to the current pandemic, we have redirected our priorities and plans and we’ve reengineered the app to meet new global challenges.

We’ve therefore refocused from travel to our ShareRing Shop and ShareRing ID. Which you see as being our expanding markets. I’ll talk about ShareRing Shop first and then ID, and also about tech deliveries.

In case you don’t know, our ShareRing Shop business model is to provide a tech platform that supports our local operational partners provision of same day delivery of products from shops in your local neighbourhood.

The team is currently revamping the user interface and adding some platform improvements based on initial feedback so I can’t share the screens with you this time, but maybe next time I can do a deeper dive and see what the screens look like.

We’re due to complete these improvements in the next two weeks, then we’ll move back into another round of testing ahead of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) with our selected partners in mid-November. We are targeting the tech platform for ShareRing Shop ready for launch in December and the exact date will determine the conjunction with our operational partners.

Another main focus of the team has been the ShareRing ID, as many of you will know already, our self-sovereign ShareRing ID allows your personal data to be stored and controlled by you, nobody else, not even ShareRing.

You get great use of cryptographic techniques and digital signatures and our ShareLedger blockchain that provide additional layers of security for storing and using your data. We’re just finalizing the user interface revamp to make it even more user friendly, especially for non-technical non-crypto users.

We’ve simplified the sign-up process and we’re now expanding our testing of the sign-up process to additional test groups. So you may find you get sort of an email so inviting you to actually take part in some sign-up testing.

Most of you have absolutely no problems with what we’re trying to suggest here, but we do want to make sure that the process is equally accessible for non-tech-savvy people.

In parallel, that team will be designing and building out the integration of the products and services into our ecosystem, through which the ShareRing ID will allow you easy access.

We’ve got absolutely huge potential here, not just automated check-in for hotels, check-in for flights, which is part of our travel ecosystem, but we’ll also be able to introduce health passports, access to financial services, I mean the list is essentially endless.

I’ve hardly even mentioned the ShareLedger blockchain yet. That’s because our mainnet is in place and the teams basically focused on building customer functionality on top of our blockchain foundation layers.

We are revamping our blockchain explorer and we’ll aim to share some of the design work, if not actually some prototype work with you next time. I hope this is giving you a bit of flavour and for our great tech teams working on.

We’ll do a bit of a deeper dive next time into some of the screens for ShareRing Shop and ID. In the meantime, please stay safe.

Watch the full video from Chief Information Officer Alan Kidd.

Sales & Partnerships Update

Sales and Partnership Updates

Hello and welcome to the first of the updates from these sales and partnerships team here at ShareRing.

My name is Jonathan Duncan, the Global Sales and Partnerships Director. Today I’m going to run you through an overview of some of our recent announcements, partnerships and the stuff that we’re doing in the background that’s already been agreed, and some ongoing conversations to give a little bit of information about that.

As well as giving you an actual overview on the targets, strategies and what we’re looking to focus on from the platform. I’ll round up by giving you a brief overview of the team and our spread. If you do have anything like to reach out to us, then you can do so.

To start with, the most recent announcement was Viator, which has added over 395,000 new activities to the platform, which is great news to add that and have a key partnership policy with them.

On top of that, there’s a number of really exciting partnerships that have been agreed but are under NDA just to make sure that we got the right timing for announcements that will be coming through over the next couple of weeks, so very excited to share those with you.

In terms of what we’re doing on ongoing conversations. There are again some extremely exciting opportunities that we’re developing and working with and in the final stage conversations with a number of those.

They range from governments, government representatives, all the way through to the global regulatory authorities. On top of that some of the world’s largest corporations and businesses trying to tie into some of our technologies and see where there’s collaboration there.

So that’s what exciting, again unfortunately it’s under NDA for a large portion of that, so as and when we can announce that we will do so in the forthcoming weeks.

In terms of the actual platform, obviously, there’s almost endless possibilities with what we’re trying to do, which is what’s so exciting. That does mean that we are almost inundated with opportunities to get presented to us.

We’re really trying to hone down and refine what we’re actually looking to work on, the target and where the team are really trying to see that the benefits of bringing those through.

The three key areas of focus for us are around the travel and tourism industry and trying to reopen that boat safely in light of the pandemic, and on top of that I think most important for us securely from a data perspective and obviously one of the big benefits from ShareRing and the platform provides.

Underneath that, we’re then looking at key technological partners to see who can either add to or work alongside us in terms of our platform and our blockchain. Then on top of that, we are looking at service providers, such-as the likes of Viator, to see if we can add a few more to increase the various offerings that we have at the end-stage.

That should give you a brief overview of what we’re doing and what we’re trying to highlight and target ourselves. In terms of the team, obviously, myself based here in the Middle East, out of Dubai. But the team of eight, we’re actually spread all over the world.

We are in four different continents, we can cover pretty much any time zone and we are always on the lookout for opportunities, so please do reach out if you have something of interest, we may well be already talking to some of the people that you are, but I’d rather double up and make sure that we’re speaking to the right people rather than miss an opportunity.

Hopefully, that gives you a good overview as to where we are. I look forward to hearing from you, If you have any other questions or queries, please reach out to us. Many thanks.

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